Sign up, Select canvas, Initiate interplay, Invite your team
Here is the list of topics and videos below:
- Signing up and activating your free trial.
- Selecting a canvas to start
- Setting up an interplay and inviting a team
- Intro to Interplay management & options to add team members
- Directly inviting team members during an interplay
- Sharing invite link to provide direct access (new users)
- Sharing invite link to provide direct access (existing users)
Signing up and activating your free trial.
Selecting a canvas to start
This is a longer video (3 minutes) to outline 4 canvases at a good starting template to experiment with:
- Explore, dialogue (discuss terms) and Agree terms
- Explore, plan and agree
- Emergent online conversation
- Retrospective (includes async first card for structured records)
Setting up an interplay and inviting a team
Intro to Interplay management & options to add team members
View the options available to manage the interplay like adding teams. And we also identify where you can find the invitation link to share to participants during a synchronous meeting.
Interplay management is only accessible to facilitators and leads. The interplay management button is available in interplay lists screen.
And In cards, you will find the button near the bottom of the "long" right menu.
NOTE: Rapid signup process - A simplified signup process via an invitation link is available. The facilitator/lead can share the link to a group you want to invite to immediately signup and go directly into the interplay. It lasts about 1 hour. They have to provide email, first and last name. When they access Janars the second time they are asked to verify their access via a link on their email. It saves onboarding time during a meeting. It is secure and avoids have anonymous guests.
going from interplay setup to interplay management and where to go to invite additional participants
Sharing invite link to provide direct access (new users)
Note: New users will go through single step to provide their email and name and then be taken to the card.
Sharing invite link to provide direct access (existing users)
Note: Existing users will need to sign-in and then be taken to the card. If the person has active session in the browser, they will be able to access the card directly through the link.
sharing copy link (N4 already invited but here can go directly in)