Editing questions and question flow

All you need to know about editing questions as a facilitator or lead
Written by Martin West
Updated 3 years ago

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A facilitator or lead may edit the set of questions in the interplay edit right hand panel. Some edits are easy and some more difficult.

An easy task is to edit the question labels.  There are currently no restrictions on when it's done. Please only change questions prior to their use. This will be fixed later.

A more complex task is adding questions or deleting them.

Core information about questions:

  • Questions are either in the body or part of the header. This is called the "level" of the question.
  • A header only is a single answer set.
  • A body can be a single answer set or many answer sets (in a single card, with more than 1 record, in a table or in a grouped list)
  • Answers to questions (question flow) can move to the next card

Flow Restriction: Questions with many answer sets can't move to a single card. When you add a new or existing question, we edit the options that are available. It will be either body, header or both.  The software is written with this restriction in mind.

Adding questions

To add a new question, define

  • Label: The text of the question
  • Field Type: One of many field types for both levels of questions
  • Level: A new question as a body or header.  We present only the available options. i.e. you may be able to add a header or body or both.

To add an existing question, create a flow:

  • Questions: Select a question from a list of unused questions
  • Field Type: The field type can't be changed. 
  • Level: Only the available options are listed. i.e. you may add it as a header or body or both depending on the options available.

Nuances about adding questions. Specific flow scenarios to be aware of:

  1. Use of headers in cards where the cards are distributed to each team member. In this case the header does not flow to the next card as a heade

1. Scenario 1: A header makes sense as notes for the participant. i.e. it will not flow to the next card.

2. Scenario 2:  The participant is asked to create many records (in the body). These body questions are not flowed to the next card. Card captures summary data in the header. This data would flow to the next card as the body. 

2. In a voting card, you can not add a new or existing question

3. In an agreement card, you can not add a new or existing question to the body.

PLEASE NOTE: changes to questions have to be made for each interplay. Please provide feedback on the type of changes you are making. It may make sense to edit question labels each time (as you want to keep the retro’s fresh with changes to the questions). If you are making more structural changes, then it may not. 

Deleting questions

Deleting a question: The options when deleting the question are.

  • Delete question across the interplay. This is the easier option as the question is completely removed from every card.
  • Delete question in the card.

            *  The first step is to find out which cards have this question. Each                                question is   either a "N" or "E". "N" is a new question. i.e. the first                            question in the flow. "E"   for an existing question. i.e. it is part of a                          question flow. Sometimes answers to   existing questions may be                              editable.

            *  If you delete a new question, it is easier to use the "delete question                          from the interplay" option. Then it is deleted from every card.

            *  If you delete an existing question, then check whether it appears in the                    next card. If it does, delete it there as well. And check the next card                          after that until you don’t find it.

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