Schedule your interplay

For facilitator or lead, Start now or schedule a time. AND/OR edit interplay prior to starting.
Written by Martin West
Updated 3 years ago

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Step 4 in interplay setup, schedule the start of the interplay or choose to manage the interplay before its formal start. It all scenarios the facilitator/lead can edit the interplay. Further instructions on this is later in this article.

Note: it is also possible to schedule a hard deadline for any of the cards in the interplay to close.

The options for the start of the interplay are:

  • Now - the interplay is started. The first card is in progress. Any related notifications will be distributed.
  • Schedule start time - The first card will be in progress as soon as the time passes. Any related notifications will be distributed. 
  • Manage interplay before start - You want to return later to start the interplay because you want to edit the interplay (see section below) 

Some Edits of the interplay 

Here is a list of some of the edits you can make to the interplay. See * for those that need to be done before you start the card. I.e. should be done by taking this option before the first card is started.

  • * Due date-time for the first card

This default to current date-time for the first card. For other cards, the date-time defaults to the date-time of the prior card. Do use the save button to save the date-time entered.

If a deadline is to be set for the first card, then in Interplay setup, select the third option to Manage interplay before start. 

  • Show or hide name (names of participants on contributions)

As a facilitator and lead, being consistent in whether you show or hide names may be important. This is dynamic so use the feature to hide or show based on the need to see or hide who contributed this specific information.

Sharing or hiding names without fully communicating your intent in advance is potentially dangerous as it may undermine trust in you and the tool. i.e. participant should never be surprised by their name being revealed against a bit of content. There are times when having the context of who provided the information is important and others times it is better for it to be anonymous. No judgement. Please use wisely. 


* Edit questions and question flow

Amend questions before a card is started. See sections for more details.

Hints for action now:

If you edit a question, then check the next card and make the same edit. Do this until you don't see that same question.

If you remove a question, start with the first card and remove the question - Select the option to "What are you deleting? The question from interplay". This removes it across all cards in the interplay.

If want to add a question or other options around deleting, please see a more comprehensive article on this topic. See article

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