Participating in interplays

Basics about editing a data gathering card
Written by Martin West
Updated 3 years ago

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Note: Pictures are in process of being updated with the new look and feel. The advice on using Janars has been updated. Any questions, please reach out via the widget on the bottom right of the screen.

Pre-steps to participation

As a participant, you've received and accepted the invite, logged in and are on the interplay list page. There is the interplay you're invited to participate in. Click on the active card action and open up the card.

Key parts of the Janars Interface

Left panel

This show the series of cards in the interplay that are in-progress, done or closed. It is organized by stage with one or many cards per stage. The refresh button brings in the next card if available, when you have completed your task. 

You can close the left panel when you need more space for the work in the centre.    


This is just one of the potential views available in the first card. 

There are a series of interfaces that are presented in the centre. The above is the data capture screen for participants/leads. When you've completed entering the data, you may have two options:

  • Click "Add" button to create another record. This is not always available.  
  • Click "Check" button - this will mark the record as done. When all participants are done. the card is then complete. Then the flow moves to the next card. 

For more details of different interfaces and instructions around these, please click here.

Right panel

3 views of the right panel - header questions, interplay data (instructions,...) and the event history. The panels here vary based on the interface presented in the centre. 

  • The first tab is a list of header questions. These serve different purposes. In this specific situation, they ask self-reflective questions (not to be shared) to help participants start the process of providing their retrospective input.  
  • The second tab provides information about the interplay and the card - most importantly it has the instructions and list of people in the team. The facilitator can edit these. 
  • The third tab is the event history. It does not show details about the answers provided. If the facilitator has the card configured for names hidden or shown, this will reflect in whether the event history shows names or not.  
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